The first large-scale project of my internship with WebbMason Marketing, our design intern team was tasked to create the year's Summer trend catalog. The catalog would highlight the hottest promo products for Summer 2022, communicate WebbMason's established prowess for promo services, and represent its brand in ways consistent with their previous seasonal catalogs. 
​​​​​​Here, my team and I composed a document that eloquently showcased the hottest trends in promotional products on the market– from apparel to tech gear and everything in between. The final document, showcasing promotional products while adhering to WebbMason's style guide and brand identity, offers companies fresh ways to reach to potential clients in a cohesive, efficient, and professional way. On top of it all, the catalog worked to emphasize WebbMason's reliability helping companies brand themselves. We tried to accomplish this, of course, in a vibrant, yet professional summer-appropriate tone. The table of contents and the first page with promotional products exemplify how we solved the design problem.
As an crucial member of WebbMason's regular seasonal rotation, the team and I needed to put our best foot forward; we thoughtfully collaborated and coordinated designs, thoroughly researched design and promotional trends, and persistently focused on quality and detail throughout the process of crafting the catalog. 
The button below links to the final result of our work: the full, official flipbook.

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