For this project, I was individually tasked with (1) compiling apparel based on Fall 2022 season trends and (2) arranging it into a comprehensive trend guide document. This would inform a client what their potential for promotional gear looked like this season with WebbMason's help. 
I built this document from scratch, compiling quality products that helped WebbMason meet client needs at multiple price brackets and then composing them into a cohesive document that was readable and scannable. During my search for promotional items, I found products that accommodate both men and women, and I created apparel categories in the document to respond to the modern workplace– anything ranging from branded casual-wear to office-wear in different price-points.
Below are a few pages, side by side, that display my final version of the document.
In the end, I was responsible for communicating WebbMason's brand identity while professionally displaying all the latest ways to successfully reach potential clients. The button below links to the full test flipbook for WebbMason's Fall 2022 apparel offerings.

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